Preparing Your Interview

What would the point of taking any Canadian courses be if you didn't want to leverage them into a job opportunity sometime in the future? Whether you are studying to start a job which will provide clients organization solutions or apprenticing as a plumber, there will come a time when you have to sit down and undergo an interview.

The interview process can be quite unnerving for most people. Not a lot of us are used to being in close quarters with people asking pointed questions; unless you've recently looked at homes for sale or some other one on one interaction, you may not have done so since high school. You need to get in the right interview mindset.

First, think about questions that might be asked of you in the interview. These may be broad, or specific to the job. A company will want to know about your personality, and the interviewer will explore it through questions that seem to have nothing to do with the job. On the other hand, you can also expect plenty of queries about your driving experience. So, take a look at the job and what you are being judged on, and prepare appropriately.

It doesn't matter what type of company you are interviewing with, you want to demonstrate to them that the job is important to you. That means dressing up a bit, whether you like it or not. No rips or tears, although you don't have to dress as if you are going out to a formal event. Something toned down, but dressy enough to convey the fact the job is important to you.

You should also take the time to find out a little about the company. You're probably going to be competing against several other candidates. You need to show the interviewers that you have an edge, and that edge is your eagerness for the job. Find out how large the company is, where their corporate headquarters is based, business philosophy, customer interaction policy, everything you can. You will inevitably be asked what you know about the business, and a good answer will mean you are remembered.

Finally, as you head into the interview, make sure any communications devices you have are turned off. Your cheap roaming rates might save you a bundle, but you don't want them to cost you a job!

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