
The Engineering information you are about to read is brought to you by Cannect Home Equity Loans - your contact source for a 2nd mortgage in Toronto. If you're looking to appeal to an executive recruitment firm you should remember that the people who get head hunted are usually the ones who shine, and to shine you not only have to be good at your chosen profession, you have to love it. If you're imagining a cushy life as a CEO in a Fortune 500 company but you don't want to have to work for it, you probably won't make it. Instead, you should think about what makes you tick. What do you like to do with your spare time? Now try to think of an occupation that would allow you the same satisfaction.

If you like to take things apart, if you love to know how things work and have ideas about how to make them better, you might want to look into studying engineering. Many graduates go on to successful careers in the field either working in office settings like the design department at General Electric or in field settings all over the world where new structures are going up, and are able to support themselves without resorting to seeking money from pawn shops.

Which type of setting you end up working in depends greatly on what sort of engineering you specialize in while you're studying. It's important to remember that while a lot of job titles carry the "engineer" tag these days (like "sanitation engineer") most of those are just PC terms for things like garbage men and are not actually a type of engineer. For instance, one popular type of engineer is a Civil Engineer. You would find civil engineers working on projects like bridges or new condo towers for Georgetown, Ontario Real Estate developers. Civil engineering is a good choice if you like to be outside or are fascinated by the workings of tall buildings and large structures.

Aerospace Engineering is a particularly exclusive branch of engineering and is one of the most likely to involve a lot of group collaboration. Software has largely replaced blueprints and models these days as technological advances make programs like Auto CAD more and more detailed and accurate. Familiarly with design software like Auto CAD is one of the major requirements for completion of an engineering degree, so applicants should make sure they are comfortable using computers regardless of the specialization they intend to choose.

Prospective engineers need not despair if they have no desire to design the next attack helicopter for example. There are many other branches of engineering including chemical, biomedical, agricultural, computer, mechanical and electrical. Regardless of your personal area of interest if you're a problem solver there's a branch of engineering for you. However, not all specializations are available at all universities so you should choose a specialization before you choose a school. There are over 100 universities in Canada alone that have engineering programs, so there is no need to go abroad for study.

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